Backup and Disaster Recovery are critical to ensuring business continuity in the digital age, however the growing prominence of ransomware is making them all the more important. Ransomware threats are evolving constantly and the use of zero-day exploits and other detection avoidance techniques is making it much more difficult to detect and protect against them. Cloud Plus offers services to enable backup and replication of virtual machines hosted with Cloud Plus and also remote workstations and servers, including those hosted on third-party public cloud infrastructure. And given the breadth of our solution framework we are well equipped to help partners and client create a complete disaster recovery solution to streamline the recovery process in the event of a disaster.


Cloud Plus has leveraged Veeam Cloud Connect to offer partners and clients the ability to back up VM’s hosted on client premises or in third-party hosted cloud environments quickly, securely and with a minimum of fuss. The ability to backup to Cloud Connect is already built-in to Veeam so partners and clients simply need to select Cloud Plus as their service provider, specify how much space they require and initiate their backup job to gain the assurance offered by having an off-site copy of their VM’s in the event of a disaster. And as all data is encrypted, both in flight and at rest, clients can rest easy that the security of their data will be maintained.

Cloud Plus Virtual Server Backup has been designed to integrate seamlessly with our hosting services (Virtual Server and Virtual Datacentre) to provide zero-touch data protection that just works. Based on Veeam, the #1 backup platform for VMware vSphere environments, it enables us to recover an entire virtual machine or items (files or objects in Exchange, SharePoint and Active Directory). Backup images are stored on dedicated backup storage in each state and clients have the option of also backing up to a Cloud Plus datacentre in another state for disaster recovery. Cloud Plus leverages capabilities in its production storage platforms and Veeam as appropriate to enable rapid recovery of one or more virtual machines as required (e.g. when compromised by crypto-malware).

Cloud Plus Virtual Server Replication offers the ability to replicate virtual machines from one Cloud Plus datacentre to another to enable rapid recovery in the event of a disaster. Like Virtual Server Backup it is based on Veeam and integrates seamlessly with Virtual Server and Virtual Datacentre to provide zero-touch replication that just works. Virtual machines are typically replicated direct to production storage in another Cloud Plus datacentre so that they can be spun up quickly and effectively with no loss of performance or unnecessary delays while restoring from backup. Virtual Server Replication is the ideal complement to Virtual Server Backup as part of a comprehensive Disaster Recovery solution.

Cloud Plus is well equipped to work with Partners and Clients to design, deploy and maintain comprehensive Disaster Recovery solutions. As all of our services are part of a tightly integrated solutions framework we can incorporate fault-tolerance and disaster recovery options into a given solution with minimal fuss or overheads. Such a solution might include Cloud Plus Access Protection (primary/secondary network access services with automatic failover), extending Managed Security Fabric to another Cloud Plus datacentre, backing up and/or replicating virtual machines to another Cloud Plus datacentre and facilitating access to hosting resources (Virtual Server or Virtual Datacentre) in another Cloud Plus datacentre on an active-active or active-passive basis.